I kinda hate gambit talents & level quests

Gambit is a card game that has been around for over 50 years. It’s a favorite among many players and is one of the most popular games in poker tournaments. In the last few years, it has seen a surge of popularity as its community has grown on Twitch.

I kinda hate gambit talents & level quests. Gambit is a game mode in the MOBA game, Heroes of the Storm. There are two types of talents that can be chosen for your hero; one is a normal talent and the other is a level-up quest.

HeroesoftheStorm 4 - I kinda hate gambit talents & level quests

Quests that reset when you die and lock in when you finish them are some of the most stressful, interesting, and exciting aspects of the game. Completing > with 0 deaths makes me feel like a god, and you just dunked on your skeptics when my friends were tilting about there being no way you’ll ever finish it. Quests that only partly restart on death are the same. You invest, and your team invests as well.

But I’ve never gotten this enthusiastic about a gambit quest or seen my squad become so engaged in one. It’s simply a pretty passive progression – you acquire something, and then it slowly fades away over the course of the game until it’s completely gone. You don’t have the chance to point to a specific moment as the one that cost you quest progress, thus you and your squad don’t have anything to hold on to. In fact, I’ve never cared about an enemy’s gambit — I’ll spend the entire game fighting a thrall for his > but if stitches takes the gambit quest, I’m like, okay, he’ll lose it over time passively, I don’t need to do anything different because I’m already trying to kill him and he only loses a little bit when he dies, so it’s not worth it to like, dive over a

In fact, I have no recollection of what any gambits do — yet I am aware of hero quest abilities. I’ve never played anything like tychuses before (literally played once 3 years ago doing random hero & hated it) Minigun quests have that little psychological effect on me, and I’ve never heard a colleague mention one, so I feel like I’m not alone in this.

The same may be said for missions that just need you to finish a level. The talent system is fantastic, the quest system is fantastic, but just giving a hero a new skill at a particular level is… it belongs in a less-than-stellar game. Stitch’s must-pick hook range talent was amazing since it was so OP that he had to acquire very unique skills to compete with it. Simply handing it over to him eliminates all of that interest. I don’t believe heroes should ever be given things at a predetermined level – that’s why God gave us basic missions in the first place. A basic mission offers the hero something to think about (or ignore, which is also fascinating), and it gives the opposing team something to battle you over. I spend the whole early game versus a kelthuzad trying my best to avoid hooks, not because hooks are inherently dangerous, but because of his baseline objective — and it’s a lot of fun!! What amusement does it provide Stitches to have a hook range placed into his lap?

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