CitizenCon 2951 Overview – What You Need To Know

The Star Citizen community has been eagerly awaiting the release of the game’s 2951 version. This year, they’ll get a chance to experience all the new features and content that have been released since then.

The citizencon 2021 is an annual gathering of the community surrounding the video game series Star Citizen. This year’s event will be held on October 6th.

Welcome to CitizenCon 2021 Highlights… What occurred, what was significant, and what do you need to know about the presentations?


Demonstration of Pyro and Gameplay

This time around, CitizenCon featured a much more modest gaming demo, despite the fact that it was near future gameplay and not at all contrived.

The user demonstrated three alternative methods to complete a new task in Pyro to Acquire a Hadesian Artifact. New Clouds, a Pyro Planet, New Homestead Outposts, and the differences between passive, smash and grab, and stealth/combat gameplay were all shown in this video.

Pyro has received a slew of planetary upgrades, new biomes, and stations.

Rivers is also getting a lot of attention.

CI is also developing a player base placement tool in the manner of a real-time strategy game.

There were two new ships unveiled during CitizenCon. The 400i is a luxury exploration ship comparable to a Constellation with space for an X1 cycle and a crew of three, and it was shown in the aforementioned Gameplay demo… It can be purchased for $220 and is flyable in Alpha 3.15.

The Anvil Liberator, a concept ship, was the other new ship they displayed. It is a Transport/Light Carrier Ship with minimal defense with a primary mission of carrying goods, vehicles, small ships, and soldiers. It’s very pricey, starting at $500, and we don’t know when it’ll be released.

CI also unveiled four additional preliminary ideas that may eventually make it into the game:

A – Large Explorer Ship – which may pose a threat to the carrack.

B — A Ground Vehicle, which may be an APC. 

C – A hovercraft – A new Grav-lev bicycle

D — A Ground Bomber Ship with a Single Seat

They also mentioned a mobile refinery ship, which they indicated they’d show us later, most likely at the IAE in November.

The Banu Merchantman had a significant concept upgrade, with the ship being made larger and a hangar room for a Defender being added… the ship is currently in production.

The Gen 12 Render and Timeline were the subject of one presentation. Various aspects of the new Gen12 render will be included in Alpha 3.15 and 3.16… CI is aiming for a complete Gen12 build before phasing in Vulkan over the following several quarters.

Making Star Citizen an MMO requires a lot of server meshing. With this, a slew of related features will be available. In Alpha 3.15, for example, iCache is becoming increasingly popular.

They’ll shard the Verse so that players may travel between many versions of it, each of which can exchange permanent data and influence the larger simulation.

You are not tied to a shard, and it is a passive transfer, but it enables the server to crash less often and regenerate and store states more easily. Objects and data in their system are highly modular, allowing for a lot of redundancy and control.

In terms of Sharding, Persistence, and the Replication Layer, as well as how the Dedicated Game Servers Share data, CI plans to finish part of this work internally before the end of the year.

3.16 Universe Simulator

Systemic Gameplay – Stream of Thought was a significant feature of the talks.

Plans for Physical Cargo, which will be released in phases to allow it to be interacted with and looted.

When you purchase a ship, cargo will need to be transferred off and on, and prices and timeframes will be connected with that depending on the location’s infrastructure.

One of the most important aspects of the game is reputation. Specific missions, gear, and locations may need you to have a certain number of repetitions… Depending on your reputation, groups will treat you differently or attack you.

Outposts generate crates of narcotics that players may pick up and sell for a huge profit, although locations vary and the outpost only produces them for a short period in the JumpTown v2 event (possibly Alpha 3.16)

XenoThreat may return with more features and perhaps PvP integration.

They also have prototypes of NPC escort and rescue missions that are in the works.

Players will be able to sell more of our stuff, including as looted goods, weapons, and FPS gear, later this year. Ships and their systems will also be more easily available.

Another feature in 3.16 is the beginning of Dynamic Universe integration.

This will have an impact on the cost of fuel and maintenance, as well as the likelihood and kind of encounters you’ll have based on what’s going on in the region, and battle beacons will be created dynamically.

We also noticed a reference of “Pyromania,” which may be a new event in the future – I’m guessing Pyro will include the Fire Rats.

On a side note, Alpha 3.15 was awarded first wave ptu at CitizenCon… We’re waiting for it to be released to the broader PTU and go live in the next days.

So, what was the missing piece?

There was not as much WOW factor for me as there has been at past CitizenCons… However, this may indicate that CI is trying to get items into the hands of gamers… The demo wasn’t staged; instead, they concentrated on showing off what they’re working on right now and what the community wants to know about.

There were no updates for Squadron 42… I would have loved to have heard anything, but it’s conceivable we’ll get a little update before the end of the year… maybe?

There were no ToW (Theaters of War) updates this time… it is a pity… We know they’re working on it, but the lack of information has left us all in the dark.

Aside from that, I felt it was a fantastic event. It wasn’t the greatest… it wasn’t the worst… There was no mishap… It was a pleasure for me when my Kel-to in Lore commercial was aired.


Also, everyone who is a “backer,” or has spent any money on their account, should get a digital goods pack that includes a set of armor, citizencon trophy, and dagger.

CitizenCon 2951 Overview – What You Need To Know was a presentation given by Chris Roberts at the CitizenCon 2018 event. The presentation overviews what happened in the past year and gives a brief look into what to expect for the future of Star Citizen. Reference: citizencon 2018.

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