How To Use Secret Notes Stardew Valley?

This tutorial will show you how to use Secret Notes in Stardew Valley.

What does secret note 11 mean Stardew Valley?

Secret note 11 is a reference to the game Stardew Valley. It is a secret message that can be found in the game and it says Im sorry, I dont know what happened.

What does the golden scythe do Stardew?

The golden scythe is a powerful weapon that can be used to defeat enemies and collect items. It also has the ability to create platforms in the sky, which can help you reach higher places.

How do you get the shadowy figure in Stardew Valley?

The shadowy figure is a rare spawn that can only be found in the mines. To get it, you must mine for at least an hour without any luck. If you do find it, make sure to take good care of it!

What is a squid kid in Stardew Valley?

A squid kid is a child who has been raised by the ocean. They are not considered part of any specific town and they dont have a family to take care of them.

How do you get false albacore?

False albacore is a type of tuna that has been injected with a substance to make it appear to be more valuable than it really is. Its not actually any better for you than regular tuna, so dont get fooled by the name!

How do you spawn the killer bunny?

The killer bunny is a rare item that can only be found in the game. It is not available for purchase on the Steam store, and it cannot be traded or gifted.

What does secret note 19 mean in Stardew Valley?

Secret note 19 is a reference to the games ending, which has an epilogue that can be accessed by clicking on Secret Note in the end credits. The epilogue reveals what happened to all of the characters after the events of Stardew Valley.

Where can I get albacore?

Albacore is a type of tuna. You can find it at your local grocery store, or you can order it online from a variety of places such as Amazon or Walmart.

Who is the JOJA Mart cashier?

The JOJA Mart cashier is a person who works at the JOJA Mart. They are responsible for taking care of customers and making sure that they have everything they need to purchase their items.

What does the witch do Stardew?

The witch is a character that can be found in Stardew Valley. She will give you a quest to collect 5 items for her, and then she will reward you with an item.

What do I do with Mayor Lewis shorts?

Mayor Lewis is a character in the game, and his shorts are a collectible item. You can find them in the game world, or you can buy them from other players for real money.

What is hid behind the community center Stardew Valley?

The community center is a place where the player can interact with other players and learn about the games lore. It also contains a library that has books on various subjects, as well as a few items to purchase from the shop.

What does the earthquake do in Stardew Valley?

The earthquake in Stardew Valley is a random event that can happen at any time. It will shake the ground and cause objects to fall from shelves, walls, etc.

What’s the point of the Golden scythe?

The Golden Scythe is a weapon that can be unlocked in Beat Saber. It has the highest damage of all weapons, but it also has a slow attack speed and low accuracy.

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