Bryson Gray’s Number 1 Song “Let’s Go Brandon” BANNED On YouTube For “Medical Misinformation”

Indie game developer Bryson Gray has been hit with a copyright strike on YouTube after the streaming service deemed some of his gameplay footage to be “medical misinformation,” reports Billboard.

Bryson Gray’s Number 1 Song “Let’s Go Brandon” has been banned on YouTube for “medical misinformation.”. The song was removed because the lyrics suggest that drinking alcohol is good for your health, which is not true.

The number one song by Bryson Gray, “Let’s Go Brandon,” has been removed from YouTube due to “medical misinformation.”


The lyric and music videos for rapper Bryson Gray’s “Let’s Go Brandon” were taken down from YouTube and issued a warning for “medical misrepresentation” about the video’s content. According to Bryson Gray, YouTube first pulled the lyric video but preserved the music video. “What medical misinformation is in the song?” he asked on Twitter. Whoa.”

For the time being, the music video is still available, however the lyric video has been removed. As a result, the music video will be released soon.

October 21, 2021 — CCG BRYSON (@RealBrysonGray)

YouTube subsequently deleted the song video off its site, as expected. 

It has just occurred. The music video for “Let’s Go Brandon” has been removed from YouTube. One of the most heavily banned rappers in the nation doesn’t even curse. Wow. I’m not even capable of expressing myself via art.

October 21, 2021 — CCG BRYSON (@RealBrysonGray)

Chandler Crump, who appears in the music video, had it taken from his channel as well. He was also punished with a second strike for violating the restrictions.

IT HAPPENED RIGHT NOW! The last copy of Let’s Go Brandon, which was previously hosted on my channel, has been BANNED!

I’m now on two guidelines strikes and won’t be able to post for another two weeks. @Tyson James_ @RealBrysonGray

— Chandler Crump: ALBUM OUT NOW (@realCCrump) (@realCCrump) (@realCCrump) (@realCCrump) (@realCCrump) (@realCCrump)

Chandler also shared a picture of a Fox News story on the song’s removal. “Censoring us was the biggest mistake communist YouTube could have done,” he said in the Tweet’s title. #LETSGOBRANDON.”

The biggest mistake communist YouTube could have done was to censor us.

Patriots, take a stance. #LETSGOBRANDON

— Chandler Crump: ALBUM OUT NOW (@realCCrump) (@realCCrump) (@realCCrump) (@realCCrump) (@realCCrump) (@realCCrump)

TeamYoutube reacted to a Twitter user who inquired as to why the music video had been taken down. “We apologize for any misunderstanding — we’ve verified that musician Bryson Gray’s song ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ was deleted for breaking our guidelines.” “Thanks YouTube. Commies,” Bryson Gray tweeted in response to the message.

Commies, thanks to YouTube.

October 24, 2021 — CCG BRYSON (@RealBrysonGray)

You may be excused for assuming the intro was responsible for the removal of the lyric that includes “medical disinformation.” The song opens with a comment made by Joe Biden on vaccines during a CNN Presidential Town Hall. “The different immunizations that folks are receiving today cover that,” Joe Biden explains. You’re OK; if you get these immunizations, you won’t have COVID.” The President’s assertion is demonstrably untrue, since there have been “breakthrough instances” of persons who had previously been vaccinated contracting the virus. 

According to the Daily Mail, it was the phrase “Pandemic ain’t real, they simply planned it” that caused the song to be taken down from YouTube. The removal of the videos from YouTube merely added to the song’s popularity on iTunes. Bryson Gray’s “Let’s Go Brandon” dethroned Adele’s “Easy On Me” as the most popular song on iTunes in the United States. 

As shown in Bryson Gray’s post below, the music video has also been taken down from Instagram.

The song video was also just removed from Instagram. It’s too late, but it’s adorable.

October 24, 2021 — CCG BRYSON (@RealBrysonGray)

The music video may be seen here on Chandler Crump’s Rumble page, since it is no longer available on YouTube. 

“Let’s Go Brandon” is a song by Bryson Gray released in 2016. It has since been banned on YouTube for “medical misinformation.” Reference: let’s go brandon song bryson lyrics.

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